Get In Touch

If you are a resident of Streatham and Croydon North, Steve is always happy to raise your concerns with any relevant organisation or service provider. He can ask the organisation to investigate your issue or reconsider a decision and he will always ask that your concerns are looked into fairly. However, MPs do not have control over the final decision.

Steve’s here to help

For council issues, it’s best to raise your concerns initially with your local councillors. They are your elected representatives on the council and have authority over the decisions it takes and what it does. If you have contacted your councillors and have not received a response within 10 working days, please write to Steve and he will contact your councillors directly on your behalf. You can find out who your ward councillors are here

In some cases you may require professional legal or financial advice. MPs are not qualified to provide this and nor can we recommend professionals for you to contact. If you are unsure of who to contact, Steve may be able to signpost you to a relevant advice organisation. You can find a list of organisations that provide free, professional advice relating to immigration, financial or employment issues here

Advice surgeries

If you would like to make an appointment at one of Steve’s advice surgeries, please use the contact form on this page or get in touch via email or post. It is often faster for Steve and his office to deal with queries by phone or email, but Steve holds regular advice surgeries for constituents who prefer to meet in person. If you wish to make an in-person appointment, please include your full postal address and details of the issue you would like to discuss.

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 020 8665 1214

Post: 908 London Road, Thornton Heath, CR7 7PE

Office standards

Steve’s office receives over 100 emails, phone calls and letters from constituents every day. We do our best to reply as quickly as we can, but Steve has no power to force service providers to change decisions that constituents are unhappy with. Steve’s staff will always treat constituents with professionalism and respect, and he kindly asks that in return members of the public show the same consideration for his staff. Steve will not tolerate rude or aggressive behaviour towards his staff.