Conservatives are failing victims of crime

Record delays under the Conservative Government are forcing victims of crime to wait years for their case to come to trial. Over two-thirds of rape victims now pull out of pursuing their case, and only 1.9% of reported rapists were charged in the last year.

Speaking in a debate in the House of Commons, Steve Reed MP challenged the Government on their failure to ensure justice for victims.

Steve said:

Victims are sick and tired of hearing about failure on this scale while this Government refuses to take responsibility. It is essential for victims that we speed up justice.

But only Labour has a plan for that. We will double the number of Crown Prosecutors to speed up trials. We will introduce specialist rape courts to fast-track cases through the system – to put criminals behind bars and get the wheels of justice turning again.


Steve Reed is the Labour MP for Streatham and Croydon North and Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. In 2018 his private member’s bill on reducing violent mental health restraint became law. In June 2019 he launched Labour’s civil society strategy outlining radical plans to empower citizens and communities.


Steve chairs the Cooperative Councils Innovation Network, co-chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group for London, was Leader of Lambeth Council 2006-12 where he led the council’s children’s services to become best-rated in the country and pioneered the public-health approach to tackling violent youth crime. He worked in publishing for 16 years and was an elected trade union branch secretary.